Many comments about Care Package were overheard during the three days of its initial presentation. Since tracking down who said what would be virtually impossible, and in order to protect everyone’s privacy, here are some of those (presented without attribution):
[“Me” refers to one of the project participants or documentarians, while “Them” refers to a member of the public replying to a question.]
More than one passerby: "I wonder what's happening here?"
Me: "What do you usually notice when you're walking down the street?"
Them: "I'm usually not noticing anything. just straight-ahead intent on where I'm going."
“I would have never done this, reaching up to the sky, unless it was for this. Thank you, it completely changed my day.”
Me: “Have you ever walked with your eyes closed on 14th street?”
Them: “No…nor did I ever walk so slow, as a New Yorker.”
“Thank you for doing this. I come from the doctor’s office. I am alive now. For all of us survivors, I needed to celebrate just being alive.”
Me: "How has your day been going?"
Them: "It's been great! I'm on a school assignment. To walk around with no cell phone for the day. So I've just been enjoying all these art installations."
"I used to dance. I started dancing when I was 17. Tap dance and Electronic music…but I don't get to do it much these days."
Me: "On Saturday, I offered to carry a woman’s bag as we walked together, and she took a moment deciding whether she was comfortable allowing me to do this for her. She shared that she is learning how to accept help. At the end of our walk she asked how she could care for me, and I told her that offering her trust was in itself an act of care. It felt like a gift to be of service to her in this way."
“You did it. This is care. Just what you did. Allowing me to close my eyes. It was scary. I felt you touching my shoulders and I could face it. I have never walked if not straight down this sidewalk. There is so much, in such a little piece of street. So much. And I walk here every day.”
Me: "One person said it was nice to slow down and talk to a stranger."
"This is now one of the best birthdays I've ever had."
Me: "…so many beautiful and unexpected exchanges."
"I've been alone for the past few hours…and you know it's good to just talk to people after that sometimes."
Me: "What I noticed was that the participants appeared to be transformed and moved from the experience of letting others care for them for a few moments. They were struck by the effect of giving over their responsibilities to others—even for a few moments—to trust that others would manage so they could relax and be cared for. Participants responded to slowing down…to seeing the sky, a tree, looking into someone's eyes."
"Could I open my eyes? I want to watch the dancers again."
Me: "I feel people enjoyed the project, experiencing it from various points of view. Even people who came to participate with friends or family had a new opportunity to be together. The word ‘care’ has many components."
"Over the years I have learned not to trust others, but you guys are great!"
Me: "I sometimes think of this day when I am walking around on my phone or pass others who look like they could really use some care. I think we all could these days."
A number of other expressions came in as people responded to being able to view the video edit drawn from the last of these “performances.” Culled from those:
"I loved the 'Care Package' project!! I fantasize that it becomes a practice on 14th streets across the country and around the world."
"I forgot to write to tell you how I enjoyed seeing 'Care Package' and the participation from people on the street. Great idea and proving how hungry we all are to connect."
"I loved what you created.
The combination of your humanistic movers with passersby is amazing.
It really trips up the mind of what is dance, what is movement, what is life.
It's wonderful, because in the city it is so evident everyone is dancing, and to their own time, appointment or shopping schedule, somehow all in sync with each other…
Also the feeling I get watching when your dancers touch and lead others so sensitively makes me smile wide. Thank you again and please keep being you and questioning the system which insists that we must follow each other blindly."
"…what a fun video. I’m amazed people didn’t push you out of the way, bump into you, or yell that you were blocking their sidewalk, as most were oblivious to life on the street outside of their phone focus."
"Thank you! I feel like I was there."
"Amazing that people were willing to be touched. And it felt so calming. Amazing too that so many walked by or looked for a moment but did not linger. That people are often as interesting as the dancers, like the jogger, the guy with the ladder, the kids, the family with a lot of kids, the little lady in green who really got involved."
"That was so cool!"
"It seemed like a public service! Bringing peace to many folks, and being special and given one’s own little concert."
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